Hey, Space holder!
I Know You're Ready to be
energetically unfuckwithable

& hold the most sacred space for your clients!

If you are a spiritual service provider, space holder, spiritual coach, ceremonialist, healer or facilitator, then…

it's a nonnegotiable for you to know how to hold space for your clients WITHOUT depleting your energy in the process

  •  no more funky or chaotic energies after workshops
  •  no more “space holding hangovers” 
  •  no more mixed reviews from clients
  •  no more pouring out of an empty cup 
  •  no more energetic entanglements or cording between clients 
  •  no more dips in energy or lows after the highs of ceremony

Learn how to stop pouring out of an empty cup...
and start to feel empowered, clear & sovereign

It’s time to stop feeling…

  • Exhausted after client calls 
  • Overwhelmed from taking on your clients' emotions
  • Depleted after holding a ceremonial space (a.k.a. "space holding hangovers") 
  • Uncertain in the space you hold, leading to mixed reviews from clients
  • Disconnected from your intuition because you're in a fog of other people's energies 

I want to live in a world where all healers, coaches, and space holders operate with the highest integrity and hold themselves to codes of ethics that leave their clients better than they found them, without depleting themselves in the process.

Does this sound like you?

At best, you’re feeling exhausted after working, and at worst, you’re ending up energetically contaminated with cords or entity attachments from your clients.

You may have tried cord-cutting meditations, sage, prayer, setting intentions of "love and light", denial that anything is actually wrong, depleting yourself in the name of service.

The truth is, you are not alone. I see this all the time with the clients who come to me for energy clearing work. Gifted healers are feeling exhausted, burnt out, and some getting to the point where they're unable to continue serving and want to shut their healing businesses down.

Learn how to grow your business by leaps and bounds, while
holding space for your clients with integrity & empowerment.

What you actually need is a solid toolbox of practices to set, clear, hold, and close space, both in person & online, where you can…

  • Keep your own energy field pristine and sovereign 
  • Ensure that your clients remain energetically sovereign 
  • Feel empowered and energized after every client session or ceremony 
  • Get consistent rave reviews from clients who feel safe in your containers  
  • Clear any space you’re in (online, offline, and unseen) without an extensive set of tools or ceremonial processes
  •  Break through the fog and effortlessly tap into your innate wisdom and intuitive guidance.

I created something that distills several years of working with various mentors and studying multiple modalities into a simple set of tools that anyone can use.  

Introducing Sovereign Energy Foundations

12-week Live Group Program

This program teaches you the foundational tools and practices to maintain a pristine channel and hold sacred space for your clients.

Giving you the tools and resources that you need to be unfuckwithable and not fuck up anyone else's space!

Sovereign Energy Foundations is a set of essential practices to clear, ground, balance, and protect your own energy, as well as clear all the spaces in which you work with clients (in person, online, and in the quantum).

Sovereign Energy Foundations is not just a program; it's a transformative journey that will positively impact multiple aspects of your life.

Being held in a pristine space will also help you create the intuitive genius that you want to tap into.

Sovereign Energy Foundations can uplevel your most important assets: your time, money, energy & relationships

  • Time: By learning the foundational tools of energy clearing, grounding, and protection, you will become more efficient and effective in managing your time. You'll no longer waste precious hours feeling drained or overwhelmed by external energies. Instead, you'll be able to maintain a clear and focused state, allowing you to accomplish tasks with greater ease and productivity. 
  • Money: When your energy is balanced and protected, you'll experience a shift in your abundance mindset. By cultivating energetic sovereignty, you'll remove blocks that may have been hindering your financial success. As a result, you may attract new opportunities, clients, and abundance into your life, leading to an improved financial situation and a greater sense of prosperity.
  •  Energy: The Sovereign Energy Foundations program empowers you to reclaim and preserve your energy. You'll learn effective techniques to set energetic boundaries, release stagnant or negative energies, and replenish your own vitality. As a result, you'll experience increased energy levels, mental clarity, and emotional balance. You'll feel more vibrant and alive, ready to show up fully in all areas of your life.
  • Relationships: One of the profound impacts of the program is its effect on your relationships. As you establish strong energetic boundaries and gain clarity on your own emotions and energies, you'll no longer be constantly influenced or drained by others. This newfound sovereignty will enable you to engage in healthier and more balanced relationships. You'll have the capacity to offer authentic support, love, and presence without becoming overwhelmed or losing your own sense of self.

Sovereign Energy Foundations...

Is a step-by-step guided process to creating a grounded, nourishing practice in your daily life and work, having your clients come back to work with you because they FEEL the difference in the space you hold for them.

A live program, where you’ll have me guiding you every step of the way, with training and facilitations, live practice sessions and Q&A, group clearings and more.

Sovereign Energy Foundations is about raising the standard of integrity both for yourself and for the clients you work with. If you are creating safety in your own energy field, and safety for your clients, you will stand out from any other coach, healer, or facilitator out there.

I know you're ready to serve with the highest integrity, upholding codes of ethics that set you apart from the many practitioners in your industry. Join a growing community of high integrity leaders live, starting on May 7th. 

About Anna Neimark

My passion is to work with spiritually-minded entrepreneurs, because I believe that these are the people who will usher in a new paradigm of business and raise consciousness on the planet.

I believe that who you are underneath all the layers of cultural, generational, past life conditioning is where your unique superpower lies.

Most of my client experience has been spent perfecting the art of accessing and clearing the Akashic records, upleveling grounding and protection techniques, permanently removing dark energies/entities, cords and attachments, which has made me an expert at holding pristine space and transmuting shadow into light. 

Through my background in physics, ontological coaching, and deep study of a variety of ancient and modern healing modalities...

I have developed surgical precision in permanently removing energetic blocks on the subconscious, DNA, and soul levels, making me the miracle-working Energetic Engineer I am today.

It's time that you reclaim and embody your Energetic Sovereignty!
What I've noticed is that many facilitators are not fully aware of how to set, clear, and close ceremonial spaces in a way that doesn't cause cross-contamination between participants.   

My personal experience with 2 spiritual narcissists in 2019-2020 reinforced my belief in the necessity of energetic hygiene and spiritual protection practices, and are a big part of why I studied deeper energy clearing and protection techniques and feel so called to teach space holders and healers how to hold pristine space and lead ceremonies and coaching containers with integrity.   

There is a dire need for codes of ethics in the healing and coaching industry and it takes those of us who’ve learned the hard way to shout it off rooftops to raise the standard!    

I have 7+ years of client experience, working with emotional and energetic release. With my background as a master energy healer, spiritual mentor, and energetic engineer, I deeply understand the power and potency of holding crystal clear space for my clients. 

Over the last 4 years, I have been focused on the realm of deep energy clearing, including clearing dark magick and entity attachments from people.  

Specifically, the number of clients I've had to clear of entity attachments and gnarly cords after plant medicine ceremonies and spiritual retreats have astounded me.  

Hence I created Sovereign Energy Foundations to teach everything I’ve learned over the years from multiple teachers and modalities, along with my experience, in a simple, straightforward, repeatable way. 

Who is Sovereign Energy Foundations for?

Sovereign Energy Foundations is for empaths, HSPs, and space holders of any kind ranging from... 

  Spiritual Coaches  
Spiritual Service Providers  
Breathwork Facilitators  
Reiki Practitioners  
Plant Medicine Ceremony Holders  
Energy Healers
Yoga Teachers  
Massage Therapists...  

And anyone who works with other humans in an intimate capacity where emotions or energy are released. 
If you are committed to raising your standard of integrity in the coaching and healing space…. 

Then the Sovereign Energy Foundations program is for you!

Ready to embody your energetic sovereignty? Secure your spot now & let your sacred space become a catalyst for profound transformation.

People who have worked with Anna say…

"What an amazing experience it was to be a part of Sovereign Energy Foundations with Anna Neimark. The energy was amazing in the group and I learned such helpful tips for clearing my space and aura. I felt such a lightness in my body and could literally feel myself letting go of a lot of stuff I was hanging on to. I will be applying these techniques in my daily routine for sure.” 

Empath & HSP

“Anna has been such a gift and a complete game changer along my healing and coaching journey and I couldn’t recommend her more!! I truly wouldn’t be where I am today without the tools, resources, practices, and energetic gifts she has given to me!!! Energetic work is key to true embodiment and cultivating such a strong foundation from within to better serve yourself, your clients, your family, your friends and truly the world itself!! To be able to live in full alignment requires solidifying energetic practices into your daily lifestyle and Anna is the best of the best in this and more!! Thank you Anna for truly impacting my life in such a powerful way!!!” -Carrisa, personal development & embodiment coach, writer, mentor, and energy healer 

Personal Development, Embodiment Coach, Writer, Mentor & Energy Healer

Jen's Experience

Jen, Breathwork Facilitator and Spiritual Business Coach, used the spiritual protection tools she learned in Sovereign Energy Foundations before she led a breathwork ceremony. This is her experience of the difference that it made to her work.

"When I led this breathwork group, it was so powerful. When you create that safety within yourself, and also set the space for other people, it allows them to have a really powerful experience. It’s so powerful when, as a facilitator, as a spiritual entrepreneur, you can create spaces for people to tap into their own bodies, but it starts with us and our spaces… it's so important”

Jen's client feedback - “It was an honor to participate. You held such a sacred and powerful space for us!" 


Foundational tools to ground, clear and protect your energy so that you can:

  • Feel unfuckwithable
  • Fill up your own energetic cup
  • Serve form a place of overflow
  • Break through the fog and tap into your innate wisdom and intuitive guidance 

Foundational tools to clear and protect your client containers so that you can:

  • Create safe spaces where your clients feel held
  • Prevent cross-contamination of energies between clients
  • Raise the standard for your business and the clients you attract


  • Have me in your pocket to answer your questions, gain mastery as you practice the tools, and receive valuable  feedback

group clearing sessions

  • Experience group clearing sessions on common blocks that impact your healing space
  • Feel safe being seen and owning your intuitive gifts 
  • Release any savior complexes that create codependency patterns with clients
  • Uncollapse service and servitude 

private community

  • Access to our private community inside of our program Facebook Group is exclusive to Sovereign Energy Foundations participants
  • Feel what it's like to be held in a pristine space 
  • Feel supported in community as you go through the program 
  • Connect with other like-minded practitioners who are on the path of ethical service 
  • Ask pressing questions in between the Q&A sessions and get the support you need 

I created something that distills several years of working with various mentors and studying multiple modalities into a simple set of tools that anyone can use. 

People who have worked with Anna say…

"That was enlightening. And now I know that energetic hygiene practices are not negotiable, they are a necessity. I have to be in tune with myself so that I can take better care of myself in all aspects.”

Hair Stylist, Reiki Practitioner & Empath

“I have had 5 back-to-back sessions & normally I would be so burnt out but I am so much more energized than normal!! Thank you for this.”

Reiki Practitioner, Intentional Home Organizer & Therapist

Remember, investing in yourself & your business is an investment in your future success. 

 By joining Sovereign Energy Foundations now, you're taking a powerful step toward creating a sustainable, fulfilling career as an energetically unfuckwithable, ethical space holder.

select the plan that works for you


$2222 USD (save $777!)

+ Foundational tools to ground, clear & protect your energy
+ Foundational tools to clear & protect your client containers
+ Live Training and Q&A Sessions
+ Group Energy Clearing & Quantum Healing Sessions
+ Private Community
+ BONUS: Extended Spiritual Protection Shield Meditation
+ BONUS: Surprise welcome gift
 + BONUS: Tailored Integration assignments  

+ Fast Action BONUS #1 (Available for next 24 Hours Only): FREE 1-1 90 Minute Energetic Sovereignty Clearing Session (Valued at $444)
+ Fast Action BONUS #2 (Available for next 48 Hours Only): FREE 1-1 60 Minute Energetic Sovereignty Clearing Session (Valued at $333) 
+ Fast Action BONUS #3 (Available for next 72 Hours Only): FREE 1-1 Remote Distance Energy Clearing Session 
(Valued at $222) 
+ Fast Action BONUS #4 (Available for next 96 Hours Only): FREE Access to all of my recorded group energy clearing events for an energetic tuneup before the program starts (Valued at $115.88)


$625 USD x4 (save $696!)

+ Foundational tools to ground, clear & protect your energy
+ Foundational tools to clear & protect your client containers
+ Live Training and Q&A Sessions
+ Group Energy Clearing & Quantum Healing Sessions
+ Private Community
+ BONUS: Extended Spiritual Protection Shield Meditation
+ BONUS: Surprise welcome gift
 + BONUS: Tailored Integration assignments  

+ Fast Action BONUS #1 (Available for next 24 Hours Only): FREE 1-1 Remote Distance Energy Clearing Session
(Valued at $222) 
 + Fast Action BONUS #2 (Available for next 72 Hours Only): FREE Access to all of my recorded group energy clearing events for an energetic tuneup before the program starts (Valued at $115.88)

Your ability to hold that kind of pristine space will be a priceless gift to your existing clients & set you apart from the majority of spiritual service providers out there. 

Learn how to grow your business by leaps and bounds,
holding space for your clients with integrity & empowerment. 


Empaths, HSPs, and space holders of any kind ranging from:  Ceremonialists Spiritual Coaches Therapists Spiritual Service Providers Breathwork Facilitators Reiki Practitioners Plant Medicine Ceremony Holders Hypnotists Yoga Teachers Massage Therapists...   And anyone who works with other humans in an intimate capacity where emotions or energy are released. 

10 live calls (welcome call, training and facilitation, Q&A, and group energy clearing and quantum healing sessions), integration homework, Facebook group, and meditations. With PIF, you also get a 1:1 Energetic Sovereignty Clearing session (90 minutes on Zoom, $444 value).

My aim is to ensure your satisfaction and provide you with the support you need to thrive in Sovereign Energy Foundations. If you fully commit to the program, show up, and actively engage in the work, I am confident that you will experience the transformative benefits it offers. However, I understand that extenuating circumstances may arise, and I want to address those on a case-by-case basis. Partial refunds may be negotiable in such situations. It's important to note that this policy is in place to maintain the integrity of the program and ensure that participants are committed to their growth and development. I encourage you to join the program with a genuine intention to learn, grow, and implement the teachings into your life. By doing so, you'll have the opportunity to unlock the full potential of the Sovereign Energy Foundations program and create a lasting positive impact on your energy, well-being, spiritual journey, and business. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the refund policy or any other aspect of the program, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to support you on your path to energetic sovereignty.

While I encourage attending live to maximize your experience, I understand that extenuating circumstances may prevent it. Recordings will be available for your convenience inside our course portal.

You will have access to the replays for two years and will be able to download the worksheets to keep.

You’ll be able to practice what you learn in the teaching modules every day, allowing you to integrate the tools into your daily life and work. The daily practices should take you no more than 30-45 minutes to do. With the addition of the calls and homework, the program shouldn’t take more than 8-10 hours/week. 

I hear you, and I designed Sovereign Energy Foundations with busy practitioners like you in mind. The program is structured to provide you with easily digestible modules and exercises that can be integrated into your daily routine. Each week, you'll have access to a live call, which will be recorded if you can't attend. You can watch the recordings at your convenience and still benefit from the program. Additionally, the program offers integration homework that can be completed at your own pace. I believe that even small, consistent actions can create significant shifts. By dedicating just a few hours each week to the program, you'll gain invaluable tools and practices that will save you time and energy in the long run.

Investing in your personal and professional growth is a decision that can yield immense rewards. Consider the value of what you'll gain from Sovereign Energy Foundations—a transformed ability to hold sacred space, increased client satisfaction, and the ability to serve with integrity. By enhancing your skills and refining your energetic practice, you'll attract more aligned clients and elevate your business, increasing your income, influence, and impact. I understand that everyone's financial situation is unique. That's why I offer a payment plan option to make the investment more manageable. Remember, this program is an investment in yourself, your business, and your clients. The knowledge and tools you gain will continue to benefit you long after the program ends. If you're truly committed to your growth and ready to step into your role as an energetically unfuckwithable space holder, we encourage you to explore the possibilities and consider the long-term benefits. Remember, your journey to Sovereign Energy Foundations is not just about time and money—it's about transforming your practice, serving at your highest potential, and creating a sustainable, fulfilling soul-led career and life.